Spisak objavljenih i referisanih radova
School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Croatia, May 7th 1991
School of Medicine, University of Belgrade,Serbia, April 19th 1999
Milivojevic Lj. Sexuality and partnerships. In: Stajner-Popovic T, Brzev-Curcic V, Curcic V,ed. Sex, Sexuality and Psychoanalysis. Belgrade: IP“ Zarko Arbulj“;2004. ;111-16.
Milivojevic Lj. First interview in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy. In: Munjiza M, ed. First interview in
Clinical Practice. Belgrade: Elit-Medica;2007. The second part/2 ;74-78.
Milivojevic Lj. Love and hate. In Stajner-Popovic T, Brzev-Curcic V, ed. Love. Belgrade: Dereta;2009; 157-65.
Milivojevic Lj.Early trauma, a pathway to progressive desorganization in a patient with ulcerative colitis . In: Curcic V, Sakota N, ed. Dijalog duse i tela. Belgrade: Dereta;2009.;75-82.
Milivojevic Lj. Technical principles of Analytical Group Psychotherapy. In: Eric Lj, ed.Psychodynamic psychiatry and the psychodynamic approach in Psychotherapy . Belgrade: Službeni Glasnik;2011. Chapter(3):268-87.
Milivojevic Lj.The place of Group Analysis in science. In: Spelic A, ed. Group Analysis in the fokus of scientific research. Pula: Sveučiliste Jurja Dobrile;2018. Chapter(IV);121-33.
- Urlic I, Berger M, Berman A, editors. Victimhood, Vengefulness, and the Culture of Forgiveness. New York: Nova Science Publishers;2013.
- Urlic I, Gonzales de Chavez M, editors. Group Therapy for Psychoses. London, New York: Routledge;2019.
Collegium Antropologicum, Zagreb, 2012
Psychological workshops on maintainig peace and common life between ethnic communities in Vojvodina
Suport : Freedom House NGO USA, Subotica 2001-2002
Conductor: Dr sc med.Milivojevic Ljiljana, Group Analysts, Psychoanalyst, Neuropsychiatrist, from Vojvodina, Serbia.
Co-Conductors: Prof. Dr Ivan Urlic, Neuropsychiatrist, Group analyst, Split, Croatia and Dr Gabor Szoniy, Group analyst, Psychoanalyst, M.D. Budapest, Hungary.
Chair of a small group discussion
Lecturer: Judy Kantrowitz Ph.D. Psychoanalist, Boston, USA
48th IPA Congress, Prague, 2013
Title: Facing the pain
Workshop organizer as a president of Group Analytic Section in International Analytic Group Psychotherapy, Sarajevo, May 9th-17th 2014
Title: Trauma and Group Identity
Support: IAGP and Ministry of health oh the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Workshop organizer as a president of Group Analytic Section in International Analytic Group Psychotherapy, at
16th European Symposium in Group Analysis, Lisbon, July 28th – August 1st 2014
Title: Deep Trauma and its Aftermoth- Psychodynamic Consideration.
Chair: Ljiljana Milivojevic
Co-Chair: Ivan Urlic
Title: Deep Psychic Trauma and capacity for forgiwness and reconciliation
Chair: Ivan Urlic
Co-Chair: Ljiljana Milivojevic
Workshop organizer as a president of Group Analytic Section in International Analytic Group Psychotherapy, at
19th IAGP Congress for Group Psychotherapy and Group Process, Rovinj, Croatia, 2015
Title: Desire for Empathy and reconciliation: is forgiveness possible?
Chair: Ivan Urlic
Co-Chair: Ljiljana Milivojevic
Title: Intersubjective spaces and how to survive them
Chair: Ljiljana Milivojevic
Co-Chair: Ivan Urlic
- Milivojević Lj. Complexity of therapists feelings with war traumatized people. Croatia Medical Journal, Zagreb. 1999;40(4):503- 507.
- 2. Milivojevic Lj, Ivezic S: Importance of Object Relations Theories for Development of Capacity to Love. Croatia Medical Journal, Zagreb. 2004;45(1):18-24. (invited by the editor of CMJ)
- Milivojevic Lj: Importance of Projective Identification Influence on Countertransference in Traumatised Group. Group Analysis, The Group Analytic Society, London. 2005;38(2):237-248. (invited by the editor of Group Analysis)
4 . Milivojevic Lj. Helping Enemies Communicate. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy – a Quarterly Publication of American Group Psychotherapy Association. 2016;66(2):282-290. (invited by one of the editors AGPP).
5.Milivojevic Lj. Regression and progressive desorganization, the path to psychosomatic disease. Psihoterapija, Zagreb. 2016;30(1):117-131. (invitation by the editor)
- Milivojevic Lj. The Reflection on the personal expiriences of the supervisees during the education
of psychoanalysis. Psihoterapija, Zagreb. 2017;31(2):257-264. (invitation by the editor)
- Milivojević Lj.: Phenomenon of mirroring in the process of group
psychotherapy, Psychiatry Today, Beograd, 24 (3-4): 225-231, 1992.
- Milivojević Lj. Boundaries and Barriers in the development of the Training Group, IX European Seminar of Group Analysis, Heidelberg, 1993. In “Boundaries and Barriers” Mattes Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 1-881: 270-278, 1994.
- Milivojević Lj. Shame as defence motive in group analysis, 4. Bregantovi Dnevi, Rogaska Slatina, Slovenia, 1994, In “Shame”, Ljubljana, pp. 1-163, 121-126, 1995.
- Milivojević Lj. Transference love in group analysis, 5. Bregantovi dnevi, Portorož, Slovenia 1997. In “Love”, Ljubljana, pp. 1-192, 145-149, 1997.
- Milivojević Lj. Contertransference – from power to weaknes in group analysis, 6. Bregantovi dnevi, Portorož, Slovenia, 1998, In ‘’Power’’, Ljubljana, pp. 1-259, 171-177, 2000.
- Milivojević Lj, Divac M, Delević Z. Some cultural differencies between alcoholics and their attitude toward suicide, 4th Yugoslav Symposium on suicide prevention, Herceg Novi, 1980, In:Engrami, Beograd, pp. 1-344, 205-209, 1980.
- Milivojević Lj, Divac M, Delević .: The effect of fathers alcoholism on development of identity of adolescent, VI Yugoslav Congress of Neurologist and Psychiatrist, September, 1980, Sarajevo, pp. 601.
- Divac M, Đurić E, Mirosavljev K, Milivojević Lj., Delević Z.: The effect of fathers alcoholism on some self concepts of adolescents, VI Yugoslav Congress of Neurologist and Psychiatrist, September, 1980, Sarajevo, pp.625.
- Milivojević Lj, Dakic-Mokan N: Communication problems in alcoholic marriages, 3rd Counselling of alcohologists of Vojvodina, September, 1985, Donji Milanovac, printed in Alcohol, drugs, medications, Majdanpek, 1985, pp. 148.
- 5. Divac M, Milekić V, Milivojević Lj, Dakić-Mokan N: Therapeutic couple and the group of young single alcoholics, 3rd Counselling of Alcohologists of Vojvodina, September, 1985, Donji Milanovac, printed in Alcohol, drugs, medications Majdanpek, 1985, pp. 134.
1.Milivojević Lj, Delević Z, Kastel P. Der Einfluss des Konformieres der pathologischen Gruppen auf das Interaktionsmodell des Alkoholismu; L Influence de la conformation aux grupes patologiques sur le modele interactional de l alcoholisme; XI International Congress of psychotherapy, August, 27 -31 1979, Amsterdam, Abstract book, pp. 121-2.
- Ivezić S, Milivojević Lj. The possibilities of the concurrence of an insight in a Didactic Group through the experience of a Group Member, IX International Congress of Group Analysts, 24.-29. August, 1986, Zagreb, Abstract book, pp.182.
- Milivojević Lj. Countertransference observed in a Group with a Borderline patients, IV European Meeting on Group Analysis in Athens, 8-9. April, 1995, Athens, Greece, Abstract book, pp.18.
- Milivojević Lj. Countertransference in the Phase of Termination in Group Analysis, 12 International Congress of Group Psychotherapists, 27th August – 1st September 1995, Buenos Aires, Argentina, Abstract book, pp. 97.
- Milivojević Lj. Entwicklung der Vertraulichkeit im Prozess der Gruppenpsychotherapie, I International Congress of Psychotherapists, Vienna, Austria, 1st-4th July 1996, Abstract book.
- Milivojević Lj, Jovanović I: Primitive anxieties and Therapists intervention in educational Group, X European Seminar of Group Analysts, 24th-29th August 1996, Kopenhagen, Denmark Abstract book, pp. 69.
7.Milivojević Lj. Dynamics of Cultural conflict inside training Institutions and between them, XIII International Congress of Group Psychotherapists, 23rd-28th August 1998, London, UK Abstract book, pp.105.
- Milivojević Lj. Cultural differences between Group Members-Linking the similarities and risk in bridging over diversities, 11 European Symposium in Group Analysis, 21st-26th August 1999, Budapest,Hungary, Abstract book, pp. 30.
- Milivojević Lj. Reexperiencing of Psychotrauma resistance to psychotherapeutic process, Seminar: Obstacles in Psychotherapeutic Process of Psychotraumatized People, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 4th-10th June 2000, invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Transcultural process in a large group, Regional Mediterranean Conference, New Integration, partnerships and applications, Zadar, Croatia, 28th August – 1st September 2001, Abstract book , pp. 58.
- Milivojević Lj, Urlic I, Szonyi G. Shadow of war experience: the economy of interethnic space, 12th European Symposium in Group Analysis, Bologna, Italy,26-31, August 2002, Abstract book, pp. 62.
- Milivojevic Lj, Bjanko J: Influence of Culture on Crossroads of Meetings or Conflicts in Groups, International Seminar of Group Analysis, Istanbul, Turkey, 25th-30th August 2003, Abstrakt book, pp.159
- Milivojevic Lj. Discutant on the theme:’’L elaboration des sentiments de la perte de l agressivite a travers les processus de deuil, pardon et reconcilliation. Lesexperiences de deux espaces culturels europeens’’, Simposium L Association Francoise et Eugene Minkowski, Paris, France, 27th-28th November, 2003.
- Milivojevic Lj. Transgenerational Memorizing of Insults in Large Group Interpeted thorough Ethnic Conflicts, 2nd Regional Mediterranean Conference, Athens, Greece, 1st – 5th September 2004.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychotherapy Bordeline Patinets, Conference of Psychiatrists, Zadar, Croatia, pp. 110-112, 2005.
16.Milivojevic Lj. Countertransference in Supervision, III Regional Mediterranean Congress February 28th- March 03 2008, Barcelona, Spain, pp.19.
17.Milivojevic Lj. Counter- Transference and Projective identification in Personality Disorders- Group Analysis, IV Regional Mediterranean Congres, 7th-10th September 2011, Porto, Portugal.
- Milivojevic Lj. Conflict Transformation between Groups, and Societies -The International Perspective. American Group Psychotherapy Association, New Orleans, USA, 28th February – 01 March 2013. Abstract book; p.63
- Delević. Z, Trbić V, Milivojević. Lj. Relationship between alcoholism of parents and school performance of their children. First Yugoslav Congress of Neurology and developmental psychiatry, May 31st – June 2nd 1979, Beograd, Serbia, Abstract book, pp. 262.
2.Milivojević Lj. Malignant mirroring in the process of group psychotherapy. VIII Congress of Yugoslav psychiatrists, September, 13th-17th 1988, Novi Sad, Abstract book, pp. 91.
- Milivojević Lj. Acting out in group analysis, IX Congress of Yugoslav psychiatrists, October 27th- 30th 1992, Beograd, Abstract book.
- Milivojević Lj. Hyperthension as repetion of traumatic situation, Congress of medical doctors of Serbia, June 27th – 30th 1993, Beograd, Abstract book, pp. 161.
5.Milivojevic Lj. Psihoanaliza i psihosomatika, III Kongres psihoterapeuta Srbije, October 2013.
- Milivojević Lj. Training of Group Analysts in Serbia. 12th International Congress of Group Psychotherapists, 27th August – 1st September 1995, Buenos Aires – invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Destructive aggression of Holocaust and war victims in former YU similarities and differences. Seminar: Destructive aggression during and after war in former YU, June 6th-12th 1997, Dubrovnik – invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Training in group analysis in Yugoslavia, 3rd November 1997, Novi Sad – invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Complexity of Therapists feelings in the work with war traumatized patients, Seminar: June 6th -12th 1998, Dubrovnik – invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Revenge and vindictiveness in large Group interpreted through ethnic conflict, August 23rd-28th 1998, London- invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Dream communication in Group of traumatized members, on topic Group Psychotherapy of Psychotraumatized persons, Dubrovnik, June 6th – 12th 1999 – invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Reexperiencing of Psychotrauma resistance to psychotherapeutic process, Seminar: Obstacles in Psychotherapeutic Process of Psychotraumatized People, Dubrovnik, Croatia, June 4th-10th 2000 – invited lecture.
- Milivojević Lj. Assessment for psychoanalitical psychotherapy for borderline patients. International Seminar of Psychosis, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 22nd – 26th 2002 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Power,Autority and Influence in the Therapy Dyad. International Seminar Of Psychoanalitical Psychotherapy, Dubrovnik, Croatia, August 4th -9th 2003 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Toward Comprehensive Psychotherapy of Psychoses, Focus on Bipolar disorder,Case presentation, Internationla Seminar of Psychoses, Dubrovnik, Croatia, May 7th – 10th 2004 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. My Patient and me – How to prevent Burnout Syndrome and Presentation of research results, Continual Medical Education Center, Faculty of Medicine, Novi Sad, 2004 – invited lecture
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychotherapy of Borderline patients, International Seminary of Psychosis, Dubrovnik May 7th -10th 2005 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. About Burnout Syndrome, Continual Medical Education, Medical Faculty Novi Sad, 2005- invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychological Profile of a Patient, Section for Medical practicioners, Subotica, 2005 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. About Psychoanalysis, round table, Serbian Medical Association, Section for Psychotherapy Vojvodina, Novi Sad, March 28th 2006 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Education in Group Analysis, Serbian Medical Association, Section for Psychotherapy Vojvodina, Sombor, October 7th 2006 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychotherapy of Personality Disorders, Serbian Medical Association, Section for Psychotherapy Vojvodina, Novi Sad, 28th February 2007 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychoanalysis Narcysistic Personality Disorder. Interanational Seminary of Psychosis, Dubrovnik, May 8th – 12th 2007 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Transcultural processes in the large group, Serbian Medical Association, Section for Psychotherapy, Subotica, 22nd June 2007 – invited lecture.
- Milivojevic Lj. Complexity of Therapists Feelings with war traumatized people,Simpozium:Truma, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 1999 – invited lecture
- Milivojevic Lj. Trauma, towards colitis ulcerosa. Simposium: Physical Disorders, Beograd, 19th -20th May 2008 – invited lecture
- Milivojevic Lj. Therapeutic options of the Group in neurotic personality disorder. Simpozijum: Ljudi govore,Beograd, 10.-11.decembar 2012.
- Milivojevic Lj. Dreams in Psychoanalysis and Group Analisys, XVIII ISPS Croatian School of Psychotherapy of Psychoses, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 16th-18th May 2013.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychopatology of Narcissism, Summer School BPD, 14th – 18th May 2014.
- Milivojevic Lj. Road and barriers in the development of Personality. Summer School of PDS, 20th -24th May 2015.
- Milivopjevic Lj. Reconciliation – an illusion that reduces the gap between what we want to be and what we really are. International Symposium in Group Psychotherapy, Rovinj 2015.
- Milivojevic Lj. Intersubjective space and how to Survive Them, International Symposium in Group Psychotherapy, Rovinj 2015.
- Milivojevic Lj. Patient-Therapist relation.13. srecanje ISPS Slovenija, Bled, Oktober, 25th-26th, 2015.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. Srpsko lekarsko Drustvo, Novi Sad, 2015.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychosomatic disease regression and progressive disorganization leading to disease , Summer School PDS, 18th -22nd May 20
- Milivojevic Lj. Cultural diferences between the Analyst and the Analysed – difficulties encauntered during Analysis, International Psychoalytical Conference, Belgrade,1st-4th May, 2017.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychosomatics-The role of unconscious fantasies Psihosomatika, Sumer School, PDS, 2017.
- Milivojevic Lj. Psychic threat and somatic shelter in psychosomatic patient, Summer School PDS, Divcibare, Serbia, 19th – 23rd September 2018.
- Milivojevic Lj. Mature love. Summer School PDS, Divcibare, Serbia, 18th – 22nd September 2019.